Hi ,
Here I am again sharing you one more concept in Kotlin programming language i.e. Interface.
In kotlin , the interfaces work slightly different . In jave we all know that we need to implement the Interface , then override the functions to execute that interface , but here in Kotlin , we can directly execute the interface and pass the argument within the function using "object" keyword , let's take a look :
Also one more thing , for interface in Kotlin , few methods can also contains the body also inside the interface , same as abstract class. What makes them different from abstract classes is that interfaces cannot store state :
In class level , interface will implement like this :
So in this way we can implement the interfaces in Kotlin . In next post I will share one more interesting concept in Kotlin Language , till then Happy Coding :)
Here I am again sharing you one more concept in Kotlin programming language i.e. Interface.
In kotlin , the interfaces work slightly different . In jave we all know that we need to implement the Interface , then override the functions to execute that interface , but here in Kotlin , we can directly execute the interface and pass the argument within the function using "object" keyword , let's take a look :
override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState) setContentView(R.layout.activity_main) getSum(4,8, object : MyInterface{ override fun execute(sum: Int) { println(sum) } }) } fun getSum( a : Int , b : Int , listener : MyInterface ) { listener.execute(a+b) } interface MyInterface { fun execute(sum : Int) }
Also one more thing , for interface in Kotlin , few methods can also contains the body also inside the interface , same as abstract class. What makes them different from abstract classes is that interfaces cannot store state :
interface MyInterface { fun execute(sum : Int) fun show (){ println("Hi I am in interface") } }
In class level , interface will implement like this :
class Child : MyInterface { override fun execute(sum: Int) { // body } }
So in this way we can implement the interfaces in Kotlin . In next post I will share one more interesting concept in Kotlin Language , till then Happy Coding :)
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